Yes. Operating the trike is a unique experience and we want you to become familiar with every aspect of the trike's operation. Before your Coronado Island or San Diego sightseeing tour begins we have you take a practice ride so you become accustom to operating the trike. It usually takes just minutes to master but we make sure that you are comfortable before we start.
We like to say 13-100 but, although the trikes are very easy to ride, the guest must be able to handle the vehicle safely and be comfortable riding in the bike lane when we have to go out on the roads.
We provide each rider with an approved bicycle helmet to use while riding however no other special equipment is needed.
Yes, each trike has a case with a water bottle and pockets to store your stuff. This way both hands are free to operate your vehicle.
Yes, there is a strict limit of 250 pounds to ride this vehicle.
We recommend sunglasses and sunscreen. Closed toed shoes are recommended. Money/credit card if you would like to purchase something from one of the shops along our route.
Coronado Island Tour what to expect:
The usual tour lasts about two to two and a half hours and includes stops for pictures, refreshments, restrooms, etc. Tours start from $89 per person.
Yes. Please call and tell us about your plans.
We are always having special promotions so follow us on Facebook to see what other discounts are available.